I DON'T Want to do This, but...

I don't want to do this, but... I've shared here and there about our infertility journey . I've also recently shared that one of my new year's goals is to work towards expanding our family... Well, I'm struggling. We have an appointment coming up and honestly, I don't want to do this, I don't want to do any of it! I don't want to go to appointments that remind me I can't get pregnant without help. I don't want to take medications that make me an uglier version of myself. I don't want to go through the physical and emotional tole that it takes to even attempt to get pregnant. I don't want to do it! Photo Credit: healthywomen.org My youngest is now two and I can go places again! He sleeps in the car and travels SO well compared to his younger self. I have my life and my body back in so many ways and the idea of giving that all up again... Giving up my freedoms all over again when I've just gained them back... I don't want to. I was ...