Better Together
Last week I talked about how important it is to connect with others during this lonely and isolating time of Shelter in Place. I spoke about connecting with those outside your home. On Tuesday I spoke about making special MOMents with each child. Now I want to talk about how important it is connect with all of those inside our home, together. We've been given a gift. A silver lining to this cloud that is hanging over our country. That gift is more time for families to be together. I know your schedules have been changed, and not much is normal for you right now. That is hard. But I want to encourage you to take advantage of the extra free time you have together as a family. We are planning movie nights and game nights, tea parties and YouTube art classes. We are BBQing more and making fun desserts (sugar-free but yum!). We are worshipping together on Sunday mornings and listening to an audiobook together every evening. ...