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How are you doing, mama?
Are you finding ways to connect with others?
I talked about my calendar last week, and I wanted to let you know that I connected with people who do not live in my home 5 times this past week. It was so nice!
On Monday, my MOPS steering team had a Zoom meeting to practice for our Tuesday Zoom MOPS meeting. I also had a Zoom women's bible study on Tuesday. It was wonderful to see the ladies' faces and to interact, even if it was virtual.
Friday was fantastic, though. I was giddy about it the two days before. On Friday, some of my friends and I met at the river. There were six of us, and we sat around the fire (appropriately spaced, no one touching or breathing on anyone else) and talked and talked and talked. They started arriving around 6:30 pm and we didn't leave until after midnight. We were all starved for girl talk, and it was sooooo nice to be able to converse face to face.

We also had church with my parents and grandparents and aunt on Sunday. We worshiped together and then shared from the scriptures. Such a sweet fellowship!
This pandemic has certainly upset the world, but there is one thing we absolutely can't let it take from our lives: we still need human connection! We were designed to have it. It's in our nature. Bad things happen when we don't have it.
You may not be one that is going to go hang out with friends and family, and that is okay. You should only do what you are comfortable doing.
But I want to encourage you, mama, to find a way to connect with others. Facebook, Marco Polo, Zoom, telephone calls, texting, whatever you can do. You have to physically isolate yourself, but I don't feel like you can healthily do it without having some form of human connection. So reach out! Make sure you are taking care of yourself in this way.
Lots of love,
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