
Words. They are powerful. The person who made up the childish rhyme “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” was a liar. Whomever it was, they were just trying to cover up the fact that the words really were hurting them. We can all think of times that words have cut us deeper than any weapon could. We’ve also probably all seen the studies that have been done with plants. The plants that have been bullied or talked harshly to do not thrive as well as plants that are treated kindly. Considering that we are made in the image of God, and God SPOKE the world into existence, it makes sense that our words would be powerful. I’ve been thinking about the power of words for a long time. And I could very easily beat myself up for all the wrong ways that I have used my words, especially in parenting. But I’m not going to. And I don’t want you to, either. Instead, I’m going to focus on how I can improve myself. I love this quote from ...