
Showing posts from January, 2023

Stop Being Boring!

 Hey mamas! I hope you had a lovely weekend. Ours was busy, busy, usual. I don't know about you, but my Mondays are usually pretty busy, too (maybe that's why I have such a hard time getting this blog up on a consistent basis?!?). Mondays are typically full of catching up on housework from the weekend and getting school started for the week. I try not to plan any trips or play dates that day of the week so I can make sure I get what I need to get done, done.  Sounds kind of boring, right? Well, I'm here to remind you, mamas, that it doesn't have to be! Just because we are being productive doesn't mean we need to be boooooring...we can add fun in our day, for ourselves and our kids. So what can you do differently in your day to make it a little fun?  We are Star Wars nerds around here, so a fun way to start our day is to make our breakfast in these Darth Vader and Grogu cast iron pancake molds we picked up at Ross this holiday season. I know its silly, but ...

Stop Being So Mean!

Confession: I haven't been the nicest person lately.  Ok, I've been acting like a downright bully... The New York Times There is this person in my life that I just have a hard time treating kindly. It seems like it's so easy and natural to criticize and belittle her. I'm a witness to all her foolish mistakes and blunders. I can clearly see her faults and flaws and point them out to her quite often. I don't let her forget them and have a hard time forgiving her when she messes up. You've probably already guessed who this person is, but just in case you haven't and are about to call CPS on me, this person isn't one of my children or friends or a family member...this person is me. Why are we so mean to ourselves, mamas??? As I was writing this, my 3-year-old came up to me and looked at the picture and asked, "Mommy, why is her so tiny?" "Because those other girls are making her feel tiny." was my answer. Mamas, why do we make ourselves f...

New Year...New Me?

Hey mamas! The holidays are over. Perhaps you have been getting a little more rest and a little less stress these past couple weeks? I sure hope so!  But for most women, January 1st is the beginning of a time of even more stress than the's a time of trying to keep up with unrealistic New Year's Resolutions. Now, I know it's not trendy to call them "resolutions" anymore, but whatever name you use, I think it's safe to say that most people enter the new year with some kind of goals or changes in mind. I used my Christmas gift card to buy this super in-depth planner so I can be more organized in 2023...This is going to be the year I finally get rid of these extra 20 lbs, I'm going to start working out every day and tracking my calories...This place is such a mess, I vow to go through one room a week to get decluttered and minimalize our possessions... Organization, better health, decluttering...these are all great things to have in your life, an...

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