Their First Phone

If I've said it once, I've said it a million times, the preteen stage is ROUGH! Going through it again with my second daughter didn't make me any more confident the second time around. They're different, sure, but it's also such a whirlwind of crazy that it's hard to have a lot of rational thought about blowup after blowup after argument after argument. I remember with my first getting to a point where I realized what was needed was: 1. To shut up as much as possible. Stop explaining or mom lecturing or any of it. Just let her make choices and see the results without my comments. 2. That it didn't matter what I said or did, she was going to argue. I just had to do my best to not engage in the fights. 3. She needed room to try new things, go new places. She was ready to explore the world within reason. Now, second time around. What have I learned from the first trip around?... That I will make it through. That it's a stage. That, honestly, this is my le...