They Used To Dance

When my girls were little, we would DANCE! I am a dancer, though self taught, and have always enjoyed and been "good at" dancing. It brings me so much pleasure and joy to move to music and it's a great expression for emotions as well. So, I was well versed in dancing anywhere by the time my cute little girls came along. When they were little they had no shame and would dance with me everywhere. We'd dance at the end credit music in the movie theatre (up front), we'd dance in the store, we'd dance anywhere and everywhere that the mood struck. Photo Credit: Then they got older and stopped dancing with me as much. They certainly wouldn't dance in front of a movie theatre with me anymore! They will still bob their heads with me to store music (yay!) and they even stopped dancing much at home with me... I missed it. I loved dancing with my girls and though they sometimes humor me still, they weren't really into it much anymore. Tonight, we ...