In Time, When the Season Ends

"It's a season" "Treasure the moments" "This too shall pass" "They're only little for a little while" Sound familiar? If you've been apart of the Joy in the Journey family you've heard us speak these truths over you again and again. Well, I had the reality of all of those sayings happen! I've mentioned (complained) over and over about my baby hating the car. "Oh, he'll get used to it" I've heard. "Just let him cry" was another piece of advice but regardless my baby just HATED the car from the time he was a little, tiny baby. He would scream inconsolably at times. Other times he'd make it for ten minutes before melting, as he's got older that "done" time has increased (thank the Lord!) but he still doesn't like the car. My son is now one and a half and though he sometimes tolerates the car quite well now, it's still very stressful to travel any length w...