Up Ahead... Change!

Heading somewhere new. Dealing with transition. I love Jesus. Like, A LOT! This is not a "Christian blog" but both Lee and I, love Jesus and you will hear that love throughout our blogs because it's part of us authentically sharing with you our journeys. Today, I want to share with you some things that have to do with my relationship with Jesus and the new direction He's leading me. I hate change! Let's start with that. Change is scary. Change is difficult. Change is stressful and I don't like it! I'm the kind of person who will eat the same thing every time at a restaurant because I know I like it. Or buy the same makeup product again and again even though I looked at a million other options. I know what I like and I like it that way. So change, though exciting, is pretty daunting to me. I have known about Jesus and been "A believer" since a very young age but it wasn't till I was 19 that I really gave God the cont...