Today was a Perfect Day!

Having a good day in this motherhood journey

But nothing is perfect...

In motherhood I feel like having a perfect day is such a rare thing at least for me it is. A perfect day feels like a special gift of love and a special reminder that life is beautiful and God is good!

Today was a perfect day.  :)
It rained today and I love the rain. It made me feel cozy and a little sleepy and nostalgic, like hot cocoa and Christmas does. Today felt like fall and I love fall time! The changing of the seasons, the beautiful maple leaves, and school time. I love learning along side my kids!

Today was a perfect day.
We accomplished our tasks for the day early in the morning, we got out the house, and we connected with people. :D 

At home, after putting the baby to sleep, I sat down with a soothing second cup of coffee and cuddle up to my oldest daughter and we read our special book together, Beautiful Girlhood. We talked and chatted, then parted ways with hugs and kisses as she went off to rest time. That was a pretty perfect time!

Today was a perfect day.
I accomplished yet another declutter project (I'm on Layer #2 of minimizing our stuff currently). The kids got up and they all hung out while I finished up.

After I finished putting stuff away, we all sat down on our blue couch to listen to my middle child's reading book, A Lion to Guard Us. It was my girls sitting close, then I was sitting next to them, holding baby boy in my lap. It was perfect and sweet and the rain outside just made it all the more lovely.

Today was a perfect day.
When my husband got home from work we went from reading books on the couch to playing Guestures and laughing. Then we were back on the couch (baby was sick and cuddly) to watch Frozen Planet and exclaim in wonder over God's amazing creation.

Today was a pretty perfect day.
My husband made a delicious dinner of mashed potatoes and chicken while the kids and I watched TV. We all sat down to eat and got to talk about our day. We had lots of positives to share!

It was a really perfect day.
After dinner and dishes (complete with dancing and silliness from me) were done, the girls got ready for bed and we headed out the door for reading time while Daddy gave baby a bath. We sat outside in the cool, moist air and prayed, read the Bible, learned about Vikings and finished up with Charlotte's Web, my all time favorite. I was laughing so much over the story that it was hard to keep reading!

The girls to bed and the baby ran around giggling, hugging me, and playing for awhile before going to bed himself. Today was truly a perfect day!

:) I feel honor and blessed by today... but let me remind all of us, myself included, perfect is never truly perfect. Yes, I had a "perfect" day which included many wonderful moments that I thoroughly enjoyed and am grateful for. But even on perfect days real life still happens. 

I had a perfect day today...
Complete with a sick baby, a mommy meltdown, and an occasionally argumentative preteen, but it was still a wonderful day.

Have you ever had a "perfect day"? What do you think your perfect day would be like? Share in the comments below!

Much love,


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