What is a Healthy Boundary?

I've received a multitude of books on boundaries over my thirty years... My first boundaries book was given to my mom for teenage me. To my knowledge, I never read or worked through it, but I received it. The second book was assigned to me by a missions organization I was planning on going to South Sudan with. Don't Let Emotions Run Your Life Workbook by Scott E. Spradlin. I did work through most of that and found it helpful. Then my mentor gave me Changes that Heal by Dr. Henry Cloud. I read a few stories in but never finished it. When I was in my early twenties I went to Al-Anon (for family and friends of alcoholics) to support a family member and found the best training on boundaries I think I've ever received! "I am only responsible for my actions, not the reactions of others. They are responsible for their action, even if they blame me." It really did make a huge difference in my life! I bought for myself Boundaries with Kids also by Dr. Hen...