936 Weeks

I keep dreaming about having a newborn. 

Literally, in my sleep, I keep dreaming about the birth of my son. I’m also daydreaming about it, too. That newborn phase. Having been through it 4 times already, I know how quickly it goes. And how dear it is. There is nothing like the smell of a newborn. And the way they just love to cuddle on your chest.

I know that it is filled with its challenges and unknowns as well. But it’s still such a precious time. And so short!

Do you know that we only have 936 weeks with your child from the time they are born until they turn 18? I recently listened to a podcast where a lady, at her son’s dedication, was given a jar with 936 marbles in it. She was supposed to take out a marble at the end of every week to remind her of how quickly your time with your children goes and how important it is to make every week count.

We’ve been counting down weeks a lot lately (only 4-6 weeks before we meet our new baby!), but I never thought to count down the weeks I have left with my children. My oldest is almost 10 ½, and I have had 550 weeks with her. Her childhood is over half gone…

Of course they will still be my children after they reach the age 18, I will forever be their mama, but the relationship will change as they press forward into adulthood and forge their own lives. 

My period of maximum influence is really such a small period of their time on earth. The marble image has encouraged me to make each week, and each day, count. To spend less time on my phone. To just sit and watch them without doing anything else. To hold each hug a little longer. To read one more story. To randomly say “I love you” more often. 

936 marbles goes fast. Just ask anyone with grown kids. I really want to make every one leave a positive impact on my kids and good memories for us all. 



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