None of it Lasts, Anyway...

Seekers Chapel

 Hey mamas! How in the world are we already 1.5 months into the new year? It seems like 2023 is already flying by. 

How are you doing on your resolutions or goals for this year? 

I don't have a scale, so I have no idea how much weight I have lost by prioritizing my exercise and nutrition this year (which I kind of like because I feel like I'm doing it more for the right reasons and less to achieve a number). I know I am making better choices for myself and my family, and that is the real goal. 

My feelings towards my other resolution are a bit different. 

I feel like decluttering and purging is so mentally exhausting! Do you agree? Going through my possessions and deciding what to keep and what to get rid of really works my brain and sometimes emotions. I’m a sucker for sentimentality, it makes it hard to keep a level head when downsizing. I’m also on a budget, and with things so expensive lately, I don’t want to get rid of something we might need in the future! 

But God's been working on my heart in that area.

Near the beginning of the year the ladies’ Bible study I attend spent a week focusing on the spiritual discipline of simplicity. And I feel like I had a mini revelation about myself during that week: I was letting fear outweigh my trust when it came to my possessions.

Let me repeat that: my fear was stronger than my trust in God!

It's really quite simple (no pun intended). Do I believe that God will provide my needs? Yes, He always has! So why am I afraid to get rid of something I don't need right now? If we are to depend on God for our daily bread, wont He give us what we need when we need it? 

I don't feel compelled to strip my house of everything just to prove that God will provide what I need when I need it (He also provides me with some common sense, there are many things we enjoy in our home and use on a regular basis). However, I feel like decluttering is becoming a little bit easier as I look at it with the mindset of trusting that God will provide my needs.

Anyway, that is something that has been brewing in my heart, so I thought I would share. Don't be afraid to let go of things that you don't need, mamas! Your God loves you and will always take care of you. Don't put your faith and trust in things that all rot or rust or turn to dust eventually. And don't let going through these things steal your joy!

Much Love, 


PS: Here are some scriptures that refer to simplifying: Matthew 5:37, Matthew 6:19-21, Mark 10:21, and Philippians 4:11-12.


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