No Hiding It

Hey, Mamas. I'm about to get really real with you: I have been battling depression. That's why I have been so distant. I'm not intentionally being distant and I don't want to stop writing the blog...I just can't get the words out right now. Or at least haven't been able to. Maybe I will start to feel inspired again soon, I don't know. I really don't know much about anything, except what has always been true will always be true: God is good and He loves us so much. It's really strange to feel so numb and down, and yet have hope and faith that everything really is going to work out alright in the end. But I do believe it. I'm not even claiming to be depressed, I'm just openly admitting that I am fighting it. And fighting it as hard as I can. Depression is no stranger to mothers, I know. Probably you have dealt with it a time or two yourself, postpartum or otherwise. Personally, I have battled it off and on since the age of 9...