The Power of a Mother

 My friend's son accepted Christ as his Savior this week! He is five, and it is so exciting. As my friend told me about it, I got all goosebumpy and teary-eyed. I think the most impactful part of the story was that the little boy didn't answer an alter call or was prompted by a VBS or Sunday School teacher. His decision was the result of a conversation with his mama. His mama had the privilege of leading him to Christ. Something all of we mamas should do.

I'm not saying that if our children have said the sinners' prayer with someone else then we have failed. We never know when the Spirit is going to move their little hearts to repentance. I'm just saying that our daily actions and conversations should lead them to Christ. I'm sure that the super-exciting conversation my friend just had with her son was not the only one they have had about Jesus. And because I know how much my friend loves the Lord, I know that her son has experienced the love of God through his mama. That is so impactful.

I guess with Mother's Day coming up I have been thinking about my own mother a lot lately. I could write a book about how amazing she is, but I will try to keep it brief as I know you mamas only have so much time to read. 

My mother was an alcoholic for the first 11 years of my life. She had a lot of emotional pain and she used alcohol to medicate herself. No lie, it was tough sometimes. There was a lot of hurt from that experience that I had to heal from, and mom is so regretful for the past. She has apologized many times and I have completely forgiven her. I know that she was trying to handle things that she wasn't capable to handle on her own strength. And don't get me wrong, my childhood wasn't all bad. I have many wonderful memories that I am very thankful for.

But I am most thankful for the fact that my mama was saved when I was 11. It is probably one of the most impactful things that ever happened in my life. I know the phrase, "Once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic" is a common "truth" in our society, but it wasn't so for my mother. When she came to Jesus her addiction was completely taken away. God began the healing of her heart and she didn't need the alcohol to make her forget her hurts. It was a real-life miracle.

Even though I was very hurt myself, I couldn't deny the change in my mom. The love of God and what He did to change her was a powerful thing that could not be ignored. I had my own journey to walk out, and didn't come to a true understanding of my need for Jesus until I was 14, but my mom's life was a living testimony of what God could do and it was a huge influence on my personal decision to live for Him.

There were also many little impactful things she did in just every day life. She took me to church. She supported me in every positive thing I pursued (schoolwork, sports, ect).  She went to extra expense and trouble to show us how to have good, clean fun (bowling, concerts, outdoors activities, ect). She spoke words of encouragement to me and built me up. I know she prayed many, many prayers.

It took me a while to forgive the hurtful things that my mom did to me, but the positive things were the most impactful. 

I know you have made mistakes, mama. We all have. But what I'm trying to say here is that our children are our most vital mission field. There is no one else on this earth that we influence like we do our children. 

We don't have to do it perfectly, we just have to love them. We just have to ask the Holy Spirit to use us to touch their hearts. I know you are doing that, mama, and I know you are making a difference.

God bless you, you amazing mama, you!




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