You Are A Warrior

 Hey mamas! In this post I’m going to take you back, way back…to Sunday school. 

Because if you have ever gone to Sunday School or even VBS, you have probably heard about the armor of God. It’s something that little kids memorize to earn prizes at church events but I don’t feel like it’s something that grown ups talk about enough. And I find it is really essential for helping me get through the day as a mama! 

Recently I saw this on Facebook and I really loved it:

Now, in case you've never heard of the Armor of God or you need a little refresher, here is an illustration based on Ephesians 6:10-20:

Mamas, you are not just an army grunt. You are not at the bottom of the totem pole, you are not expendable. You have been placed in authority over little souls. You are in command, which means you are going to come under fire. Satan knows that if he is victorious when attacking you, he's going to hurt your whole realm of influence, specifically, your children. That is why it is so important that we wear our armor!

We need the truth, wrapped around us and holding us together like a strong belt. Don't listen to the lies that anyone tells you. That means the lies that you say about yourself, too. Never forget who you are!

There is no one perfectly righteous, except Christ, of course. When we put on the breastplate of righteousness, we are covered by His righteousness. That means we don't have to do things perfectly, He is our righteousness. We can stand tall and proud, honestly admitting that we make mistakes, because He is our protection.

"How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!" Romans 10:15

 Mamas, as Christians we have the best news ever! We can share God's love with everyone we meet, and we must always be ready to do this. Whether it means encouraging your math-problem-frustrated teenager or reaching out to someone who has lost a loved one, we need to always be ready to do it.

It's funny, because we usually consider a shield as a defensive piece of armor, but the Bible says that it is actually used to destroy the enemy's attack. Faith is incredibly powerful, and when your children and others see you going through your battles with faith as your shield, you leave a mighty impact. Your faith can build their faith.

Why is salvation depicted as a helmet? I know there are theologians out there that are mush smarter than me and have done much deeper studies on the armor of God, but when I think of a helmet it makes me think of the brain. As the brain is such a vital part of our body, so is our salvation vital to who we are. Where would I be without Jesus's saving work in my life? I shudder to think. And I should never forget what Jesus has done for me. But that is a whole other post!

Jesus is our example of how to use the word of God as a weapon. Each time He was tempted, He used scripture to get Satan behind Him. I know your life is crazy, mama, and you have so many things to do every day (and never get them all done as it is), but I really want to encourage you to carve away some time to read and meditate on God's word. Even if it's just stopping to think about the verse you are helping your child memorize for their Awana homework. The Bible has been given to us for a reason: we need it! God always has something to say to you, you just need to take the time to look, dear mama.

Before I end this very long post (sorry, not sorry), I don't want to neglect reminding you how important prayer is. Prayer is mentioned 87 times in the Old Testament and 53 times in the New Testament; it's kind of a big deal. And it's something we can do anywhere, at any time! And, like a good friend during a phone conversation, God doesn't care how many times your children interrupt you while you are talking to Him. He will always be there waiting to continue the conversation. He loves you so much, mama, and desires to communicate with you.

So put on your armor and go to battle, mama. You have been given a mighty calling, and your Creator has given you everything you need to be victorious!

Lots and lots of love,


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