Just Another Day...
It's Spring! Along with yard work and starting seeds and salmon fishing, that means birthdays to me. My birthday is the second day of spring and my daughter was born 11 years ago on the first day of spring. So it is a very fun (albeit exhausting) time of year! This year we had her party on her birthday. She wanted a Dragon Day Festival from The Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson (SUCH good books!). We had a blast planning the event together and I think everyone had fun at the party. There was a lot of baking involved to prepare for the party, so I was pretty beat the next day. My hernias were a bit achy and my injured foot was sore, but I was content and had a very happy kid. I shared last year about my new take on "my" special days , and I've continued living with that mindset. And boy has it paid off! In case you didn't read the post last year, I basically decided that I would not spend the special days that celebrate my life (like my birthdays and Mother...