Crazy Times!
Hey mamas! I know I told you that I would have a birth story to share today, but I’m afraid not…
I’ve had the birth, the baby is here, I just haven’t had a chance to sit down and get it all written out (and to have my husband proof read it to check for accuracy, haha). So it may be released later this week or you may have to wait til Monday. My life is currently run by a breastfeeding dictator and, though I wouldn’t have it any other way, it does make life unpredictable.
I will say that the baby and I are doing well. I will also say that things did not go entirely as planned! There was some disappointment, some discouragement, but there was also a lot of joy to be found through it all.
And that’s life, isn’t it? We are here to find the joy in the journey.
Much love, mamas! I need to burp the baby.
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