Not the Way It's Supposed to Be
Growing up, Thanksgivings were usually spent with my dad's side of the family. My grandma lived about a 10 hour drive away, so we left on Wednesday and usually stayed with her a few days. They were fun memories of food, football, and hanging out with family I didn't see very often in a place I didn't go very often. It was an adventure.
When I became an adult, my grandma moved 2.5 hours from me, so it was easy to keep up the tradition of spending Thanksgiving with her...unless a member of my family had some kind of sickness. She was on oxygen the last five years of her life, and sometimes we had to miss the holiday with her in order to protect her weak immune system.
I don't need to talk more about that. It is a concept that has been preached and mandated on us by those in authority over us all year. And I'm not going to offer my opinion on the subject.
I will say, however, that Oregon's mandate of not meeting with more than a total of six people from no more than two households is a bit impossible to follow for this family of seven...
Media keeps preaching the "New Normal" to us, but lets face it, nothing is normal this year. The first comment my son made about the Macy's parade yesterday was "Hey, why are they wearing masks? There isn't anyone close to them." My heart sank. We couldn't even get away from COVID for a parade.
I think the hardest part of it for me is fearing that things will never be the same again. I don't think they will, and that is a fear that I need to let go of. Because my fear won't change anything. My worrying won't add an hour to my life (it will actually take time away because it's scientifically proven to be unhealthy!). Lee is not in charge of what happens in America. I only have a limited amount of control as to what happens in my own house from day to day. But I know the One who is in control.
Your Thanksgiving (or entire year of 2020) probably did not go as you thought it would. Even if you rebelled against the mandates and met with your extended family, the conversation undoubtably came around to the troubling things that are happening in our world today. I'm sorry for that. I mourn with you for the things that were.
However, I want to encourage you to lift your head and wipe your eyes. I want to grasp your hand and assure you that you are going to be ok. You will make it, mama. You are strong. And you have a God who loves you madly and has your best interest in His heart.
For me, all the chaos of 2020 has been a reminder that I really need to be intentional about raising resilient kids who can handle the hard knocks of life. I need to be diligent in presenting the gospel to them so they will develop a strong faith to carry them through their storms. That's something that has always been true and will never change.
Much love mamas!
If you are still sitting and digesting turkey, here is a throwback Thanksgiving post. Blessings!
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