The NEED for People

Did you know that we all have a need for people?

Like an actually, true need?

I feel like during this pandemic that need has been highlighted for many of us. I know it has for me! Even though I'm a stay at home mom, even though I homeschool and am home a lot during the week. Even with all the "normal" (which doesn't feel normal anymore) left of my life, the need to be physically present with other people has been much more vividly realized.

I'm an extrovert and I am home a lot but I still see people on a regular basis. I make time to hang out for friends and prioritize meeting people in person.

The coronavirus took all those away (for awhile) and I was left feeling incredibly isolated, alone, and depressed. Now, I'm seeing people again and it's like the light in shining again.

Our need for people is not optional. We were meant to be with others and it may be difficult to find options for that right now, but do your best. Find others to connect to, do it at whatever distance you feel comfortable for, and build each other up!
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I don't know about everyone else, but as Moms, being home alone (with your kids and no support) SUCKS!! My job continues but the stress relief and the fun of the daily work has greatly diminished. So my encouragement to you moms, is CONNECT! However that works for you, connect. We need it!

Much love,


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