Dear Mama, Its OK To Say "It's Too Much"

 It officially camping season! I don't know about you, but I love to camp. Being outdoors is so refreshing for me. It's one of my family's favorite past times and I think my kids would be happy if we constantly lived at camp all summer.

Of course, it is also a lot of work.

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I had originally planned on camping for Memorial Day weekend. I had it on the calendar and also had a mental list going in my head about what I needed to do to prepare for the trip. 

Then I had a busy week, and my body was complaining about it and telling me to slow down. So I had to tell my family that camping couldn't happen for us this weekend

It was hard. It felt selfish. But it's what had to be done.

Because I knew that if I pushed myself I would be feeling terrible at camp. And I may even set my surgery recovery back more. And it would probably ruin the plans we had for the next week because I would be recovering from the weekend

I felt selfish, but it wasn't selfish. My family needs a happy, healthy mama. It was as much for their benefit as it was for mine.

So we made a compromise. On Friday we had a mountain adventure. We drove up to one of our favorite spots and had a picnic and a campfire. Then we went down to the river and played and fished a little. We came home and the kids camped out in the living room with their sleeping bags and our little popup tent.

On Saturday I packed them all lunches and they went on a hike with daddy. They got to get out in the wilderness and have fun and the baby and I had a quiet day at home. Sunday was spent at church and then with family. Monday we had another Catchup Day and then BBQed and relaxed during the evening.

The Earth didn't explode. My children didn't feel deprived. Everything turned out just fine. I said "Not this time, it's just too much", and that was that.

I feel better after having the rest and am more able to tackle this coming week.

Don't be afraid to ask for what you need, mama. Your family needs you, they will understand.

Lots of love, 


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