The Beauty of Laughter

I had a wonderful evening with my extended family tonight. My Aunt and cousin came down from Washington for the day and we all were trying to get over to my Nana and Dappa's house to say hi. My family arrived as things were settling down from dinner but still a lot of family was over. My brothers and sister-in-law were there, my nieces <3, and of course my Aunt and cousin who we had come to see. The house was warm and full of chatter and laughter. I love that about my family. We get together and we laugh! We swap stories and laugh. We tell jokes and we laugh. We make sarcastic comments to almost anything and everything and laugh. It's such a rich time. Photo Credit: After lots of laughing a short lull occurred so I came up with something that would create more. I had been watching Phil and Alex the other day and they were doing the Broom Challenge at a friend's house. They were laughing and laughing so hard. As soon as I finished watching...