Do The Opposite of What You Feel

Tips for Depression I wrote a blog recently about struggling with and the daylight hours changing (see that blog HERE ). So, today I wanted to share with you some tips for depression (whether seasonal or not). I love my Aunt. I've learned so many lessons from her. She half-raised my siblings and I and imparted so much wisdom and flair along the way. My Aunt struggles with depression. I never noticed as I kid, I just remember her talking about. I remember her saying "When you feel depressed, you don't want to anything, but doing things anyway , because doing things you enjoy helps with depression." I guess, I stored this information away somewhere because I never forgot it, though it wasn't till much later that I pulled it out to put in use. I only had one true bought of depression and that was over ten years ago. But now, I just struggle with times of feeling depressed, usually triggered by feeling overwhelmed or by the seasonal changes. "Do ...