I Just Climbed Mt Everest...
I just climbed Mt. Everest... Well, in my own way. It wasn't really Mt. Everest, of course. Did you know Everest is in China and Nepal? I didn't until recently when, as I was homeschooling, I learned that right along with my kids... funny. Maybe everyone knows and I just didn't. Anyhoo, that's a side note. I had an "Everest Moment" today. I've been crazy busy simplifying our home (read more about that HERE ), and with the yard sale, as I've mentioned. My husband worked Sunday and I stayed home with kids. It's just been BUSY!!! And, so, I haven't made it to the grocery store to buy food. I haven't made it to ANY store to buy a few simple things we need for the house, and yesterday I was SO BURNT OUT by my baby screaming at me all day I took a break (ALONE!) at the park instead of going grocery shopping... We are out of bread, milk, tortilla shells, sour cream, nuts, and about everything else. In my fridge I have rotting ...