Your Special Place

I'm coming off of a high of a day and I figured I better sit down and rejoice with you NOW before "Monday" hits and it all fades away. Haha.

So today we made it to the beach.
The beach is my FAVORITE!

I grew up in walking distance of the ocean. I have wonderful memories of having adventures on the beach with my siblings. Memories of walking along the beach singing out my prayers to God. Times I remember talking to the seals that popped their heads up to look at me. I love the ocean! Not only do I love the ocean, but my husband loves the ocean, and my kids love the ocean. 

Today was our babies first time to the beach, not because it's so far away but because he's been a terrible traveler thus far and we haven't dared. First off, TOTAL YAY, he slept the whole way there! We planned to leave exactly at his nap time and all of us intentionally cut off drinking any liquids ninety minutes before the departure time (yeah, we're a little hardcore about it but we've learned from past not-so-good attempts of having him sleep in the car and us having to pee!) So we left at nap time, put on an audiobook for us to listen to Strawberry Girl by Lois Lenski and it worked like a charm! An hour and a half of entertaining and education historical fiction playing in the car and baby sleeping!

We made it to the coast, stopped for food, met up with my dad, then headed to the beach. Awww, I LOVE the beach! It's been nearly a whole year since we've last been. Our girls got out their kites and started flying them high up against the blue sky which was speckled with clouds. I sat down and talked to my dad while he made a fire from pieces of driftwood. My hubby began to play trucks in the sand with our baby. It was wonderful. 

It was the perfect day. The air was cool but not cold. The breeze held the kites aloft but didn't blow us away. The water was cold and beautiful. Our baby LOVES the ocean just as much as we all do. He eagerly crawled towards the waves every chance we got and showed no fear when I helped him stand in the oncoming waves.

It was a perfect time. That's so rare! The kids didn't fight, the baby was happy, we all were happy.

Then we came home...

The van needed cleaned out, the laundry started, the living room picked up, the dish washer started... everything put back in order and I remember why we need get away. We need a break! We need rest. For me, my home is a wonderful place to connect and be, but it is also were I work and were the work never ends!

So, I encourage you, dear mama, take the time to get out and get away, by yourself, with your partner, or with your little ones. Take the time to go to the water, or on a hike in the wood. Take the time to go outdoors, take a look at your family, and sigh a happy sigh of gratitude and joy. It's wonderful! It's needed. It's important.

Much love,

I would love to hear what your favorite place-away-from-home is in the comments below! :D


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