The Mirror in the Bedroom

House projects, house projects, house projects. Ever since we've moved in we been working on the house. Putting a shelf in the bathroom so I have a place for my stuff, expanding the pantry, painting, and moving things around to find just the right spot. My current project is our bedroom. We started off with this: And we currently are at this: But it's not done yet. I realized the greatest challenge with my bedroom styling and color is it's really small. It's enough space for us but it has extra challenges based on it's size. As I was trying to find solutions for the small feeling in our room that hit hard as soon as I painted it a darker color. I decided a solution was to put mirrored closet doors in. We ran to the hardware store, picked them up, and installed them that night... Now, I have two LARGE mirrors in my bedroom. Every time I walk across my room I see myself. To be honest, I used to be a huge fan of mirrors. I was thin, fashionable, and looked pretty am...