Heart of the Home

Have you heard the saying "If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy"? I've heard it before but didn't give it a lot of thought until my husband mentioned something similar. My husband talked about it differently. About me, the Mom, being the heart of the home. Being a leader of the attitude of the home. I hold a special place of influence when it comes to my home's flavor of interactions. Why was my husband speaking this to me? Because I'd let other's negative opinions effect my outlook and, as a result, my mood. Instead of leading my family in gentleness and with love I was harsh, irritable, and impatient. Because of my special role as "heart of the home" my whole family was effected as I put a negative attitude forward. My kids felt pressured, frustrated, and worried. My husband was tense because I was unhappy. Our hearts are intertwined as a family and the Mom, typically, leads that heart. She is of great influence in the way ...